FemdomFriday – A Femdom centered Friday bar

FemdomCircle presents FemdomFriday – a femdom centered Friday “bar”.

FemDomFriday - A Femdom afterhours friday bar for Dominas, Mistresses and Slaves M/F.

When: Friday 14th of July 2023 kl. 19:00 to 23:00
Price: Non-members 75 DKK – Members 25 DKK
Application no later than 13/7-23 kl. 17:00 to circle@femdomcircle.dk
Dansk version

Do you know the traditional Friday bars, where you meet for a bit of socializing over, for example, a soda? FemdomFriday is the extra. Here we meet, Dominant women and subs m/f, to meet new, exciting persons, make and keep existing networks going, exchange experiences and learn new “skills” – but also to use Anstaltens exclusive venue for a little “after work play”.

Enjoy a cold refreshment at the bar, take your latest purchase to the suitcase or your FetLife date with you – only your imagination sets the limits to what a FemDomFriday can develop into. FemdomFriday is also a safe opportunity to meet a potential partner – whether you bring someone you have written with online – or you find a good match in one of the participants.

To participate, you must be clear about your role – Dominant woman or bottom M/K. The role you enter with – is also the role you continuously have throughout the evening. You can participate both as single or as a person in a relationship.

HeadMistress ensures good peace and order along the way. To create a good FemDomFriday for everyone, we try to create a good distribution between Dominant women and bottoms M/K.


  • An evening for all Dominant women and subs M/F regardless of relationship status.
  • A more relaxed event than our bigger FemdomCircle events.
  • You can participate regardless of experience level, as long as you are a Dominant woman or sub M/K who are into satisfying a Dominant woman.
  • Bottoms M/K wears a visible symbol – collar, neck ring, chain, rope or something else around the neck or wrist so that this is visible.
  • This evening, unless announced, there is no theme.
  • Dress code: Fine, naughty, seductive, bdsm, fetish – we are not limited to dark colours. If you have any doubts about the dress code – send an email.
  • It appears from the description whether it is an open or closed FemdomFriday. (Open means that people who are not members of Anstalten can participate – closed means that only members of Anstalten can participate).
  • Application no later than Thursday 13/7 at 17 to circle@femdomcircle.dk. Registration is binding after FemDomCircle has accepted it and the evening’s participation fee have been paid. We do not necessarily give a reason if your application is rejected. Anstaltens address is provided upon confirmed registration.